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Google AdSense is not getting approved? Checklist for 2024 to Ensure Approval


Google AdSense is one of the strongest platforms in website monetization today. Through it, publishers can earn money with their websites by simply running ad campaigns. Of course, for any person who wants to earn some cash online, it is very important to know what Google AdSense really is and how it works. This article will attempt to clearly explain Google AdSense, its benefits, and how you can use this efficiently to monetize your website in 2024 effectively.

Table Of Contents
  1. Introduction

Definition of Google AdSense

Google AdSense is an online advertising program run by Google through which website owners can make money out of their websites. In other words, advertisers pay for ad space to Google, and Google, in turn, shares part of that revenue with the website owners. AdSense does all the ad placements and payment processes, thus making it seamless for publishers to monetize their content.

How Google AdSense Works

Getting started with Google AdSense is pretty easy. You apply for an AdSense account and get approved. After getting approved, you generate an ad code from your AdSense account and place it on your website. Thereafter, Google algorithmically matches relevant ads to your content and audience. As visitors interact with these ads, revenues come in based on impressions and clicks.

Types of Ads in Google AdSense

Google AdSense is available in different ad formats that best fit individual website layouts and different user preferences. These include the following: 

Text Ads

These are simple text ads. Display Ads: Visual ads that include images and animations.

Video Ads

These are engaging in terms of video content.

Link Units

These are ads that will allow one to display a list of topics related to your content. The above-mentioned ads can be customized in order to fit the look and feel of your site for better user experience and ad performance.

Benefits of Using Google AdSense

Easy to Use and Implement

Probably the greatest plus with Google AdSense is its ease of use. This interface is extremely user-friendly and will guide you through the process of creation. In addition to this, it is well-integrated with top website providers like WordPress and pretty accessible to everyone, even a beginner. And if you need help along the way, well, Google has some pretty extensive support resources available to get you up and running and troubleshoot any problems.

High Earning Potential

Well, Google AdSense runs a revenue-sharing scheme to make you some money off your website. How much it is, of course, maybe huge, depending on factors such as the amount of traffic, the niche of the website, and the placement of the ads. Successful publishers of AdSense normally report quite decent monthly incomes, attesting to how high the earning potential of this program can reach.  

Contextual and Targeted Advertisements

Since AdSense uses relevant content for ad display, contextual targeting means users can view what might be of interest to them. This ensures better click-through rates and overall ad performance. Relevant ads don’t annoy the user, so they will still engage with your site and come back in the future.

Performance tracking and optimization

Google AdSense has some really good tools in its reporting section for ad performance, helping you further optimize your strategy. You get easy access to core metrics, such as CTR, RPM, and earnings. You can analyze these metrics for data-driven decisions on ad placements, content, and general site performance.

Getting Started: Setting Up Google AdSense

Eligibility Requirements

Before applying to AdSense, a publisher must have a website that meets the eligibility criteria set out by Google. In fact, this simply means developing original and quality content, following Google’s webmaster quality guidelines, and refraining from actions that will definitely get your website suspended. Accordingly, websites that have clean histories and substantial content are more likely to get approved.

How to Apply for Google AdSense

The steps for applying to Google AdSense include the following steps:

Sign Up

Open an AdSense account and fill in your website details.


Your site will be under review for the eligibility criteria.


You will receive an email when you are accepted.

Ad code generation

Log in to the AdSense account, generate the ad code, and paste it in the website.

How to Place Ads on Your Website

Next, you want to place that ad code within your site in a way that’s going to satisfy AdSense policies while maximizing your earnings. Best-practice placements include ads within the content, in sidebars, or at the very top or bottom of the page. Responsive ad units ensure that the ad displays perfectly on all devices, affecting user experience.

Tips to Max Out Your AdSense Earnings

Focus on Quality Content

Successful AdSense monetization depends on original and high-quality content. Users and search engines both love valuable content, so you will have more traffic and higher engagement. This will drive more visitors to your website as long as you update it with fresh content regularly and maintain the optimization for relevant keywords. Thus, ad performance may be improved.

Optimize ad placements

Another major factor in maximizing one’s AdSense revenue is strategic ad placement. Test and try out different positions that will really work for your site. Placing ads within the content, above the fold, and in other highly visible areas can really improve your click-through rates. This can be determined via A/B testing of the ad placements.

Increase Your Website Traffic

More traffic generally will result in increased AdSense income. Utilize strategies for search engine optimization to increase your website’s exposure and drive more visitors by using social media and content marketing. Target high.

What are the requirements for Google AdSense approval?

Google AdSense is a program that puts advertisements on websites and generates revenue for the owners. For approval in AdSense, a site should meet the eligibility criteria and follow AdSense policies and guidelines. Common reasons for rejection include low quality of content, poor design of the site, etc., and not following AdSense policies.

Pre-Application Checklist for Google AdSense

Google AdSense Checkpoints

Quality Content

Quality content is the bedrock of any successful AdSense application. Ensure that your site has original, valuable, and engaging content. Try to have at least 20–30 quality posts before applying. Update new content regularly to keep it relevant.

Site Design and Navigation

A clean, professional design of the site enhances user experience and increases your chances of AdSense approval. Ensure easy navigation through clear menus and categories. It should also be responsive to mobile devices, and its loading time should be fast.

Must Have Pages

There are some pivotal pages for AdSense approval. They are:

Privacy Policy: This clearly tells how do you deal with users’ data.

About Page: It tells visitors about a site and its purpose.

Contact Page: This lets users easily contact you.

Terms and Conditions: Tells visitors of your site, the terms of use, among other legal disclaimers.

Domain and Site Age

Google places greater significance on older, more mature sites. There is, however, no time frame for domain age, but your site should be at least six months old before you apply for AdSense. Be sure that your domain is clean and has never had any kind of violation in the past.

Content Compliance

Your content will have to abide by AdSense policies. In essence, there will be no room for forbidden material like adult materials, copyrighted works without permission, or any type of unlawful content. Make sure that the media and pictures you use are correctly licensed and attributed to the source.

Traffic and user engagements

Organic traffic and user engagement are major criteria for AdSense approval. Build a quality flow of visitors with quality content and SEO strategies. High metrics in engagement, such as very low bounce rates and long session times, will act as good indicators to AdSense.

Language and Regional Compliance:

Be sure that your site supports AdSense languages and also sticks to regional content guidelines. Note that AdSense policies are different in different regions; hence, find out the specific requirements that are unique to where you come from.

What to Do After Applying to Google AdSense

Tracking and Analysis

Continue to track how well your website is doing through Google Analytics. Keep logging into your AdSense account to make sure that everything remains in line with their policies. Check on the traffic to your site, user engagement metrics, ad performance.

How to Deal with Rejections

If your AdSense application gets rejected, know the reasons for rejection and fix them. Common rejection causes include content quality, site design, and policy violations. Recreate applications with answers to the points raised. Keep trying.

Advanced Tips to Ensure Approval from Google AdSense

Building a Powerful Online Presence

An online professional presence increases your site’s credibility. Share your content on social media to increase your audience and encourage more interaction with them. The creation of backlinks from quality sites can help improve your site’s authority.

Improving the user experience

Ensure the user experience by maintaining a low bounce rate and a high session duration. Ensure that the website is accessible to all users, even those with any disability. A person who has a good user experience will increase the chances of AdSense approval.

Keeping Up with AdSense Policies

Go through updates in AdSense policies periodically. Keep scanning your website’s content and updating it regularly to be up-to-date with compliance. Joining the AdSense community forums and support groups is always worthwhile, with valuable insights and aid.

The Basic Understanding of Google AdSense Policy

Eligibility Requirements

Before you are eligible for Google AdSense, your website has to meet the following requirements: Of these, some are as follows:  

Basic Requirements

Your site should contain original content, be in accordance with the webmaster quality guidelines set by Google, and not be subject to any kind of prohibited activity.

Types of Websites

AdSense would serve well on blogs, news sites, forums, etc. These are basically websites that are rich in content.

Clean Site History

Your domain history should be clean, meaning it was not a target of some previous policies or penalty provisions or had its services withdrawn by Google. 

Content Guidelines

AdSense cares for quality and the strictest compliance with content:

Prohibited Content Types: Adult content, violence, copyright issues, copyrighted works without permission, and illegal content generally.

Recommended Content Practices: Quality, original, complete, valuable content,

Check: Update your site on a regular basis with fresh content. Never fill up your site with low-quality or spun articles.

Ad Placement Policies

Proper ad placement is important for both the user experience and for compliance purposes:

Good Placements

Place ads in a non-obtrusive manner where your user experience would be disrupted, like the middle of content or sidebar.

Bad Placements

Never place ads in a way that might trigger accidental clicks, like near or with your navigation buttons and in pop-ups.

User Experience: The site can be very user-friendly and contain ads without being overwhelmed by them. You just have to make sure the ads complement that content.

Traffic and User Engagement Policies

AdSense loves good, organic traffic on your site. Prohibited traffic includes paid, bot, or any other kind of manipulative ways of fetching traffic to your website.

Organic traffic

Work on SEO, social media, and content marketing to drive a stable flow of organic visitors to your blog.

User Engagement

High user-engagement metrics, such as low bounce rates and higher session times, work in your favor for AdSense approval.

Site Behavior Guidelines

Website behaviour directly impacts the user experience and policy compliance.

Avoid misleading the user on your site to avoid fraudulent practices through navigation or any other means. 

Performance Requirements

The website must be loaded within seconds and must be responsive, making it mobile-friendly. 

Easy-to-Use Design

An uncluttered design is easy to use, and an excellent user experience is a significant factor in getting approval for AdSense. 

Common AdSense Policy Violations and How You Can Avoid Them

Click Fraud and Invalid Click Activity

Click fraud is one of the biggest, most serious violations against the policies of AdSense:


Generating false clicks on an ad to generate ad revenue illicitly.


Do not click on your own ads or get someone else to do it under any circumstances. Observe the patterns of your AdSense account. Any suspicious activity should be immediately reported.

Content Policy Violations

Keep track of how your ads are performing using AdSense’s click reporting tools so that you can capture and fix problems before they escalate into large issues.Violations of the content policies will suspend your account:

Common Violations

These include hosting restricted content, copying content from other pages, and using unauthorized copyright material.

What to do: Always check AdSense content policies periodically and always have your website in check against them. Employ the use of programs like Copyscape to detect plagiarism.

Where to Learn More

Google’s forums and help centre have discussion threads on these policies, how to adhere to them, and the latest changes and updates.

Improper Ad Placement

Bad ad placement can ruin a good user experience:

Disallowed Placements

Ads should never be placed in pop-ups, below/above buttons, or such that they have the potential to receive accidental clicks.

Compliant Tactics

Position all the ads as per the policies of Google for ad placements, i.e., in a more natural, user-friendly position.

User Experience

Always check the ad layout from time to time to see whether it is not a problem in the end-user experience.

Quality of Traffic Issue

In all probability, the policy violation would be because of low-quality traffic sources:

Identify low-quality or suspicious traffic by the help of Google Analytics and eliminate such traffic sources.

Quality traffic building

Focus on SEO, social media engagement and high-quality content to draw organic visitors.

Monitoring tools: Gauge tools such as Google Search Console and Analytics to keep tabs on your traffic quality and make sure to fix any issues quickly.

User Experience Violations

Poor User experience can act against the approval of your AdSense:

Examples: Long load times, unresponsive mobile design, too many pop-ups, and incomprehensible navigation.

Improvements: Notably, optimize your site’s speed, ensure it’s responsive on mobile, and clean the overall design.

Balance: Ensure there is the balance between ads and content; do not have too much of one that will appear as though you are ignoring the latter. All the same, do not create a website that will go against AdSense policies.

How to Ensure Your Site is Compliant with Google AdSense Policy

1. Keep Up-to-Date about AdSense Policy

It is very important to be acquainted with the current AdSense policies for these reasons:

Importance: AdSense policies do change, and keeping yourself updated helps to ensure that you stay updated on compliance matters. 

Access: In AdSense, regularly check the policy page for new updates. 

Resources: Google’s support forums and official blog have key information on policy updates and best practices. 

2. Run Site Audits

Regular site audits find and fix compliance issues. 

Importance: Such audits help keep your site in line with AdSense policies while delivering a good user experience.

Tools: Running full-scale site audits using Screaming Frog, SEMrush, or Google Analytics.

Checklist: Check the quality of the content, ad placements, sources of traffic, and how well it’s doing during the audit process.

3. Tracking and Analyzing Traffic

Good quality traffic is a must for AdSense to remain compliant:

Tools: Track sources of traffic and user behaviour through Google Analytics and Search Console.

Addressing Issues: Monitor for unusual traffic patterns or sources that could signal poor-quality traffic.

Continual Monitoring: Monitor the traffic stats from time to time and make amendments as required to be compliant

4. Content Optimization along with Ad Placement

Top-notch content promoted with appropriate ad placements makes the user experience better. Therefore, concentrate on the following:

Content Quality: Strive to provide quality, original content to engage users

Ad Placement: Use the AdSense ad placement guidelines. All ads should be placed within the flow of the content.

Balancing: Strike the right balance between ads and content. It should provide a great user experience and maximum ad revenue.

5. Professional Consultation

 A professional consultation can assist in bypassing the AdSense policies:

When to Take Help: If you still encounter any issue related to AdSense approval or AdSense policy, then don’t hesitate to take the help of an expert.

Benefits: It will always provide you with specific solutions and strategies for your site.

Finding Experts: You can search for reputed AdSense consultants or agencies with a clean record of success.

Successful monetization depends on understanding the policies as well as abiding by them. The guidelines given in this article will help you maximize your chances of getting approved by AdSense and also of not losing a profitable account if you already have one. Just focus on quality content, great user experience, and observe AdSense rules to fit in with them in the long term.


It takes effort, patience, and adherence to guidelines to get approved for Google AdSense. The checklist in 2024 will help make sure you are on the right track for your application to sail through with great chances of approval. Keep in mind that quality content, user experience, and adherence to policies are everything.

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Shivali Patil
Shivali Patilhttps://betainformation.com
myself am Shivali, and I am a digital marketer. i write blogs and do on-page and off-page SEO. I have implemented a google display campaign and search campaign.learning and practicing is been the key to my every problem that i ovecome.

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